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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Stretch marks removal

Stretch marks removal

Basic informations
Time of the procedure: from 30 minutes
Recommended number of treatments: 6-10
Objective Stretch marks reduction

Ilość rozstępów



1 stretch mark

od 1990 zł od 1590 zł

od 199 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

It is estimated that nearly 90% of women face up stretch marks problems, that appear in the majority of cases in adolescence, pregnancy and as a consequence of hormonal imbalance and weigh gain. Most of women feel uncomfortable with it and would be willing to get rid of them once for all.  v


Permanent laser removal of stretch marks cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • pregnancy and breast feeding
  • fresh sunburn,
  • some chronic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases, photodermatoses, psoriasis, diabetes),
  • some allergies,
  • infections, e.g. active cold sore
  • keloid tendencies
  • blood coagulability dysfunctions,
  • anti-coagulant discharge,
  • cancer,
  • isotretinoin therapy (the laser treatment may be performed 6 months following the therapy termination).


ALMA® head allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for skin resurfacing, using micro-beams that surround damages tissues with healthy cells.
It enables faster healing and reduces side results of the treatment.

Before the treatment
  • There is no need to prepare the skin before the treatment, except that the skin cant be tanned.

  • During a consultation with a cosmetologist before starting the treatments, the treatment regimen is discussed and any contraindications to the treatment are ruled out.

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  • Before the planned treatment, the cosmetologist puts on your face and wear special protective glasses.

  • The cosmetologist starts the procedure by cooling the area to be treated and then, using a laser, applies arrows of different lengths to the skin. During the treatment, the skin is additionally cooled to ensure the best comfort of the treatment.

  • Finally, a special soothing gel is applied to your skin.

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After treatment
  • You must remember to be careful with your skin for several days after the treatment.

  • Dont use soap, spirit, alcohol-based tonics.

  • You cant perform peels and other treatments and wipe the areas after the treatment with a sponge or towel.

  • You should avoid irritating the skin in the treatment area for several weeks until the skin has healed completely.

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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Stretch marks removal

Stretch marks removal

Treatment description

It is estimated that nearly 90% of women face up stretch marks problems, that appear in the majority of cases in adolescence, pregnancy and as a consequence of hormonal imbalance and weigh gain. Most of women feel uncomfortable with it and would be willing to get rid of them once for all.  v


Permanent laser removal of stretch marks cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • pregnancy and breast feeding
  • fresh sunburn,
  • some chronic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases, photodermatoses, psoriasis, diabetes),
  • some allergies,
  • infections, e.g. active cold sore
  • keloid tendencies
  • blood coagulability dysfunctions,
  • anti-coagulant discharge,
  • cancer,
  • isotretinoin therapy (the laser treatment may be performed 6 months following the therapy termination).


ALMA® head allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for skin resurfacing, using micro-beams that surround damages tissues with healthy cells.
It enables faster healing and reduces side results of the treatment.

Basic informations
Time of the procedure: from 30 minutes
Recommended number of treatments: 6-10
Objective Stretch marks reduction

Ilość rozstępów



1 stretch mark

od 1990 zł od 1590 zł

od 199 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

  • There is no need to prepare the skin before the treatment, except that the skin cant be tanned.

  • During a consultation with a cosmetologist before starting the treatments, the treatment regimen is discussed and any contraindications to the treatment are ruled out.

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  • Before the planned treatment, the cosmetologist puts on your face and wear special protective glasses.

  • The cosmetologist starts the procedure by cooling the area to be treated and then, using a laser, applies arrows of different lengths to the skin. During the treatment, the skin is additionally cooled to ensure the best comfort of the treatment.

  • Finally, a special soothing gel is applied to your skin.

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After treatment

  • You must remember to be careful with your skin for several days after the treatment.

  • Dont use soap, spirit, alcohol-based tonics.

  • You cant perform peels and other treatments and wipe the areas after the treatment with a sponge or towel.

  • You should avoid irritating the skin in the treatment area for several weeks until the skin has healed completely.

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