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Laser DeLux / Treatments / Cryolipolisys for men

Cryolipolisys for men

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 45 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: Indywidualnie
Cel: Redukcja tkanki tłuszczowej

Ilość przyłożeń


1 przyłożenie głowicy na 45 min.

od 249 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

Do you weigh a few pounds more than you should, or has fat accumulated in places where it is difficult to remove using regular methods like a diet or workout? Cryolipolisys treatments are just for you. They can flatten your belly and get your thighs slimmer. Cryolipolysis is meant to destroy adipose tissue by means of applying low temperatures. The treatments are carried out with all due care so not to harm the surrounding tissues, using a cutting edge device, named LIPOCRYO®.


Cryolipolisys treatment cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • active skin allergy
  • inflammation of the body
  • skin injuries
  • skin infections (bacterial, viral, fungal)
  • any viral or fungal infections
  • tattoo placed on the treated area
  • an excessive alkohol drinking
  • cancers
  • epilepsy
  • psoriasys, herpes, albinism
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • cryoglobulinaemia
  • haemophilia
  • diabetes
  • blood clotting disorder
  • kidneys and liver disease
  • hormonal disorders
  • heart diseases (pacemaker)
  • hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.


The treatments are carried out using high-tech device named LIPOCRYO®
They are applied to the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves. Double check of the temperature protects blood vessels, nerves, melanocytes, etc. The treatment results in the loss of 25-45% of the fat layer. The results can be visible after 2 weeks, however the full effect is a matter of 6 weeks. Following this period, the treatment may be repeated, if further healing is needed?

In the cooling process, lipids that fill up adipose tissue are subject to crystallization (conversion from liquid to solid). This phenomenon is accompanied with the increase in the tissue’s volume that might lead to its decease, once the cell membrane has been damaged. Additionally, the life processes inside the tissue come to a halt, causing the apoptosis (a programmed cell death) occurring around 3 days after the treatment. However, at any case when the organism is cooled down, an inflammatory condition occurs and, in consequence, the treated areas are cleaned out of damaged and dead tissues.

An inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue (sounds bad, yet it is not related to any unpleasant feelings) usually lasts several weeks – that’s why the final result of the treatment can be observed even after 4 months or so. The fat released from the tissues is excreted from the body in the course of metabolic processes. However, the skin redness evoked by the cooling, vanishes promptly after the treatment, leaving no traces behind.

The treatment:

(1) An adipose tissue prior to the treatment. (2) The treatment is meant to act upon the adipose tissue with a adequately low temperature that, after some time, causes (3) the inflammatory state and (4) generates expansion of lymphocytes, histiocytes and other cells that reduce the size of the adipose tissue (5).

See the movie of the manufacturer that presents the treatment (available only in English, Spanish and French).

Before the treatment
  • Zabieg kriolipolizy nie wymaga specjalnych przygotowań.
  • Zalecamy jedynie, aby 24h przed zabiegiem wypijać minimum 2 litry wody.
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  • Kosmetolog podpina Cię pod specjalistyczne urządzenie w pozycji leżącej.
  • Cała terapia trwa ok. 40 minut, a miejsce poddawane zabiegowi zostaje w tym czasie schładzane do niskiej temperatury.
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After treatment
  • Bezpośrednio po zabiegu kriolipolizy na skórze może pojawić się zaczerwienienie skóry, które znika po kilku dniach.
  • Unikaj spożywania pokarmów wysokobiałkowych, wysokotłuszczowych, wysokoenergetycznych przez kilka tygodni po zabiegu.
  • Zalecamy wypicie ok. 2 litrów wody w ciągu 24h po zabiegu.
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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Cryolipolisys for men

Cryolipolisys for men

Treatment description

Do you weigh a few pounds more than you should, or has fat accumulated in places where it is difficult to remove using regular methods like a diet or workout? Cryolipolisys treatments are just for you. They can flatten your belly and get your thighs slimmer. Cryolipolysis is meant to destroy adipose tissue by means of applying low temperatures. The treatments are carried out with all due care so not to harm the surrounding tissues, using a cutting edge device, named LIPOCRYO®.


Cryolipolisys treatment cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • active skin allergy
  • inflammation of the body
  • skin injuries
  • skin infections (bacterial, viral, fungal)
  • any viral or fungal infections
  • tattoo placed on the treated area
  • an excessive alkohol drinking
  • cancers
  • epilepsy
  • psoriasys, herpes, albinism
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • cryoglobulinaemia
  • haemophilia
  • diabetes
  • blood clotting disorder
  • kidneys and liver disease
  • hormonal disorders
  • heart diseases (pacemaker)
  • hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.


The treatments are carried out using high-tech device named LIPOCRYO®
They are applied to the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves. Double check of the temperature protects blood vessels, nerves, melanocytes, etc. The treatment results in the loss of 25-45% of the fat layer. The results can be visible after 2 weeks, however the full effect is a matter of 6 weeks. Following this period, the treatment may be repeated, if further healing is needed?

In the cooling process, lipids that fill up adipose tissue are subject to crystallization (conversion from liquid to solid). This phenomenon is accompanied with the increase in the tissue’s volume that might lead to its decease, once the cell membrane has been damaged. Additionally, the life processes inside the tissue come to a halt, causing the apoptosis (a programmed cell death) occurring around 3 days after the treatment. However, at any case when the organism is cooled down, an inflammatory condition occurs and, in consequence, the treated areas are cleaned out of damaged and dead tissues.

An inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue (sounds bad, yet it is not related to any unpleasant feelings) usually lasts several weeks – that’s why the final result of the treatment can be observed even after 4 months or so. The fat released from the tissues is excreted from the body in the course of metabolic processes. However, the skin redness evoked by the cooling, vanishes promptly after the treatment, leaving no traces behind.

The treatment:

(1) An adipose tissue prior to the treatment. (2) The treatment is meant to act upon the adipose tissue with a adequately low temperature that, after some time, causes (3) the inflammatory state and (4) generates expansion of lymphocytes, histiocytes and other cells that reduce the size of the adipose tissue (5).

See the movie of the manufacturer that presents the treatment (available only in English, Spanish and French).

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 45 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: Indywidualnie
Cel: Redukcja tkanki tłuszczowej

Ilość przyłożeń


1 przyłożenie głowicy na 45 min.

od 249 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

  • Zabieg kriolipolizy nie wymaga specjalnych przygotowań.
  • Zalecamy jedynie, aby 24h przed zabiegiem wypijać minimum 2 litry wody.
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  • Kosmetolog podpina Cię pod specjalistyczne urządzenie w pozycji leżącej.
  • Cała terapia trwa ok. 40 minut, a miejsce poddawane zabiegowi zostaje w tym czasie schładzane do niskiej temperatury.
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After treatment

  • Bezpośrednio po zabiegu kriolipolizy na skórze może pojawić się zaczerwienienie skóry, które znika po kilku dniach.
  • Unikaj spożywania pokarmów wysokobiałkowych, wysokotłuszczowych, wysokoenergetycznych przez kilka tygodni po zabiegu.
  • Zalecamy wypicie ok. 2 litrów wody w ciągu 24h po zabiegu.
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