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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Kobido Massage

Kobido Massage

Basic informations
Time: 60 min.
Indications: Face modelling, reduction of wrinkles and furrows

Treatment description

The treatment includes a massage of the back, neck, neckline, neck, face and head. Kobido massage is called a non-surgical facelift and is a combination of several techniques of different types of massages:

– Relaxing massage

– Deep tissue massage

- Lymphatic drainage

– Lifting techniques

- Elements of acupressure

Effects of KOBIDO massage:

- Slowing down the appearance of the effects of skin aging

- Elimination of muscle tensions that cause mimic wrinkles

-Effect of "younger face" thanks to deep work on muscle structures

-Stimulation of collagen and elastin production

- Elimination of excessive tension around the neck, cleavage and face oval

- Stimulation of metabolism and, as a result, faster skin regeneration

- Cleansing the skin, thanks to which it regains its natural glow

- Gives spectacular effects visible after the first treatment.


- Aesthetic medicine treatments (hyaluronic acid and other fillers approx. 2-3 months)

- Rosacea in the phase of exacerbation

- Peridentary purulent conditions, tooth extraction

- 2 weeks, tooth implant

- 2 months - Vascular skin

- Inflammation of the skin - Cancers - Breaking the continuity of the epidermis


Delicate movements are replaced with more intense ones, containing elements of kneading, pinching and patting the skin. We also work with oils - individually selected for the client, which give us another dose of relaxation with a beautiful scent, e.g. of lemongrass. Kobido massage is full of relaxation, deep psychosomatic and muscular relaxation, elimination of swelling, alleviation of recurrent headaches, fight against bruxism, filling wrinkles with skin firming. In the case of young skin, this massage will prevent the first wrinkles, while with mature skin, it will model the contours of the face and stimulate the production of collagen cells. Recommended series of 10 treatments.

Before the treatment
  • the procedure does not require preparation
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  • the cosmetologist performs a facial massage of the neck and cleavage

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After treatment
  • the skin may be slightly red after the treatment
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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Kobido Massage

Kobido Massage

Treatment description

The treatment includes a massage of the back, neck, neckline, neck, face and head. Kobido massage is called a non-surgical facelift and is a combination of several techniques of different types of massages:

– Relaxing massage

– Deep tissue massage

- Lymphatic drainage

– Lifting techniques

- Elements of acupressure

Effects of KOBIDO massage:

- Slowing down the appearance of the effects of skin aging

- Elimination of muscle tensions that cause mimic wrinkles

-Effect of "younger face" thanks to deep work on muscle structures

-Stimulation of collagen and elastin production

- Elimination of excessive tension around the neck, cleavage and face oval

- Stimulation of metabolism and, as a result, faster skin regeneration

- Cleansing the skin, thanks to which it regains its natural glow

- Gives spectacular effects visible after the first treatment.


- Aesthetic medicine treatments (hyaluronic acid and other fillers approx. 2-3 months)

- Rosacea in the phase of exacerbation

- Peridentary purulent conditions, tooth extraction

- 2 weeks, tooth implant

- 2 months - Vascular skin

- Inflammation of the skin - Cancers - Breaking the continuity of the epidermis


Delicate movements are replaced with more intense ones, containing elements of kneading, pinching and patting the skin. We also work with oils - individually selected for the client, which give us another dose of relaxation with a beautiful scent, e.g. of lemongrass. Kobido massage is full of relaxation, deep psychosomatic and muscular relaxation, elimination of swelling, alleviation of recurrent headaches, fight against bruxism, filling wrinkles with skin firming. In the case of young skin, this massage will prevent the first wrinkles, while with mature skin, it will model the contours of the face and stimulate the production of collagen cells. Recommended series of 10 treatments.

Basic informations
Time: 60 min.
Indications: Face modelling, reduction of wrinkles and furrows

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

  • the procedure does not require preparation
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  • the cosmetologist performs a facial massage of the neck and cleavage

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After treatment

  • the skin may be slightly red after the treatment
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