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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Endermology Alliance: effective body shaping

Endermology Alliance: effective body shaping

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 40-50 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: 10-15





zabieg na ciało 40 minut

2200 zł

3200 zł

280 zł

zabieg na ciało 60 minut

2750 zł

3990 zł

kostium do zabiegu

gratis w pakiecie

gratis w pakiecie

100 zł poza pakietem

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

Do you have enough of tedious exercise and diet? Do you want to improve the skin firmness or reduce fat tissue of selected body parts without effort? All this is possible thanks to the endermologic treatment with the latest ALLIANCE device, which:

  • Reduces body fat - even the most resistant!
  • Smoothes out cellulite
  • Firms the skin by stimulating the production of natural collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

What’s the secret of endermologie® ALLIANCE?
Endermology involves stimulating the skin and body fat in our body. For this treatment we use the latest device of the French company LPG, which after 30 years of research, has created an innovative technology - enermologie® Alliance. It’s currently the best equipment on the market for this type of treatments and a real revolution in body shaping.

What can you get thanks to endermology?

  • slim and shape body
  • improve skin firmness
  • rejuvenate facial skin and smooth wrinkles
  • reduce swelling, stagnation, scars
  • loosen tense muscles
  • eliminate toxins from the body

This was confirmed by research! After just 3 treatment sessions you will notice: (graphics)

Effects of endermology:

Complete series gives best satisfactory results it consists on 10 treatments, depending on the goals set before the therapy and individual body condition. You can see the first results after about 3 treatments!

See photos of endermology metamorphosis:


  • inflammations
  • infections
  • tumors
  • taking anticoagulants
  • Phlebitis
  • Herpes


Endermologie Alliance

What’re the advantages of Alliance endermology?

Graphics here

  • Short treatment time - about 40 minutes
  • Faster effects: visible after a small amount of repetition
  • Safe, natural and non-invasive procedure
  • 100% comfort
  • Incredible precision: the unique Alliance Skin Identification Sensor (ASI) - adapts to
  • different problems and areas of your body
  • Innovative treatment tip - the secret of ALLIANCE endermology

Known for their effectiveness, the Automatic Endermologie LPG rollers have been enriched with a motorized flap that allows multidimensional effects on tissues. Thanks to this patent, it’s takes just to apply the tip to the skin on which the treatment is performed. This guarantees even more comfortable treatment, at the same time affecting three aspects: slimming, firming and reducing of body fat, which accumulates in the form of cellulite, difficult to remove.

Endermology ALLIANCE has 3 interchangeable tips:

  • Alliance 50 - intense, precise stimulation adapted to smaller areas.
  • Alliance 80 - adapts to any type of tissue, optimizes the intensity of therapy
  • Motorized TR30 - used for small treatment areas
  • Ergolift - a module designed for face and small scars.

Read more about facial endermology

Endermologie® ALLIANCE LPG - why is it unique?

  • 3 times faster effect - thanks to the improved, latest technology of the French company LPG
  • Safe for pregnant women - perfect for swollen legs!
  • A deeper and more effective treatment - thanks to the modernized treatment tip
  • No pain, bruises and discomfort!

"Endermology is a pleasant and safe procedure that helps to deal with many skin and weight problems.”

Before the treatment
  • Endermologia Alliance to bezpieczny i nieinwazyjny zabieg, który nie wymaga od Ciebie wcześniejszych przygotowań.
  • Przed zabiegiem zaprosimy Cię na bezpłatną konsultację, na której przedstawimy Ci cały plan terapii.
Read more
  • Załóż na siebie otrzymany od kosmetologa specjalny strój endermowear.
  • Kosmetolog rozpocznie masaż Twojego ciała przy pomocy specjalnej głowicy.
  • Zabieg trwa około 30-40 minut. Kosmetolog dokładnie wymasuje problematyczny dla Ciebie obszar.
Read more
After treatment
  • Aby utrzymać efekty zabiegu należy trzymać się zdrowych nawyków żywieniowych.
  • Minimum 3 razy w tygodniu postaraj się wdrożyć w życie aktywność fizyczną.
  • Regularnie nawadniaj swoje ciało - pij minimum 2 litry wody dziennie.
  • Po zakończeniu serii, warto wykonywać tzw. zabieg przypominający raz w miesiącu.
Read more
Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Endermology Alliance: effective body shaping

Endermology Alliance: effective body shaping

Treatment description

Do you have enough of tedious exercise and diet? Do you want to improve the skin firmness or reduce fat tissue of selected body parts without effort? All this is possible thanks to the endermologic treatment with the latest ALLIANCE device, which:

  • Reduces body fat - even the most resistant!
  • Smoothes out cellulite
  • Firms the skin by stimulating the production of natural collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

What’s the secret of endermologie® ALLIANCE?
Endermology involves stimulating the skin and body fat in our body. For this treatment we use the latest device of the French company LPG, which after 30 years of research, has created an innovative technology - enermologie® Alliance. It’s currently the best equipment on the market for this type of treatments and a real revolution in body shaping.

What can you get thanks to endermology?

  • slim and shape body
  • improve skin firmness
  • rejuvenate facial skin and smooth wrinkles
  • reduce swelling, stagnation, scars
  • loosen tense muscles
  • eliminate toxins from the body

This was confirmed by research! After just 3 treatment sessions you will notice: (graphics)

Effects of endermology:

Complete series gives best satisfactory results it consists on 10 treatments, depending on the goals set before the therapy and individual body condition. You can see the first results after about 3 treatments!

See photos of endermology metamorphosis:


  • inflammations
  • infections
  • tumors
  • taking anticoagulants
  • Phlebitis
  • Herpes


Endermologie Alliance

What’re the advantages of Alliance endermology?

Graphics here

  • Short treatment time - about 40 minutes
  • Faster effects: visible after a small amount of repetition
  • Safe, natural and non-invasive procedure
  • 100% comfort
  • Incredible precision: the unique Alliance Skin Identification Sensor (ASI) - adapts to
  • different problems and areas of your body
  • Innovative treatment tip - the secret of ALLIANCE endermology

Known for their effectiveness, the Automatic Endermologie LPG rollers have been enriched with a motorized flap that allows multidimensional effects on tissues. Thanks to this patent, it’s takes just to apply the tip to the skin on which the treatment is performed. This guarantees even more comfortable treatment, at the same time affecting three aspects: slimming, firming and reducing of body fat, which accumulates in the form of cellulite, difficult to remove.

Endermology ALLIANCE has 3 interchangeable tips:

  • Alliance 50 - intense, precise stimulation adapted to smaller areas.
  • Alliance 80 - adapts to any type of tissue, optimizes the intensity of therapy
  • Motorized TR30 - used for small treatment areas
  • Ergolift - a module designed for face and small scars.

Read more about facial endermology

Endermologie® ALLIANCE LPG - why is it unique?

  • 3 times faster effect - thanks to the improved, latest technology of the French company LPG
  • Safe for pregnant women - perfect for swollen legs!
  • A deeper and more effective treatment - thanks to the modernized treatment tip
  • No pain, bruises and discomfort!

"Endermology is a pleasant and safe procedure that helps to deal with many skin and weight problems.”

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 40-50 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: 10-15





zabieg na ciało 40 minut

2200 zł

3200 zł

280 zł

zabieg na ciało 60 minut

2750 zł

3990 zł

kostium do zabiegu

gratis w pakiecie

gratis w pakiecie

100 zł poza pakietem

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

  • Endermologia Alliance to bezpieczny i nieinwazyjny zabieg, który nie wymaga od Ciebie wcześniejszych przygotowań.
  • Przed zabiegiem zaprosimy Cię na bezpłatną konsultację, na której przedstawimy Ci cały plan terapii.
Read more


  • Załóż na siebie otrzymany od kosmetologa specjalny strój endermowear.
  • Kosmetolog rozpocznie masaż Twojego ciała przy pomocy specjalnej głowicy.
  • Zabieg trwa około 30-40 minut. Kosmetolog dokładnie wymasuje problematyczny dla Ciebie obszar.
Read more

After treatment

  • Aby utrzymać efekty zabiegu należy trzymać się zdrowych nawyków żywieniowych.
  • Minimum 3 razy w tygodniu postaraj się wdrożyć w życie aktywność fizyczną.
  • Regularnie nawadniaj swoje ciało - pij minimum 2 litry wody dziennie.
  • Po zakończeniu serii, warto wykonywać tzw. zabieg przypominający raz w miesiącu.
Read more
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