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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław

Częstochowa - Laser DeLux®

What makes us stand out?

We listen to your needs , that's why we start our treatments with a free consultation with a cosmetologist
We care about the & nbsp; safety of treatments by working on medical, certified devices
We remove hair painlessly and permanently! We have been specializing in it for over 11 years.
We are a reliable brand - we have as many as 21 stores in & nbsp; Poland!

The most popular treatments

Laser hair removal

11 540 - on average, a person removes unwanted hair throughout their life using various methods. This is often associated with the loss of valuable time, unsightly-looking ingrown hairs and damaged skin. However, you can keep it in perfect condition and save time by using laser hair removal in Laser DeLux.

Laser hair removal on armpits, bikini line and legs is one of the most popular treatments performed in our salons.


Carboxytherapy is a complete breakthrough in the field of aesthetic treatments. It has an extremely wide range of applications and leads to spectacular effects. Thanks to carboxytherapy treatments you can get rid of cellulite, overcome hair loss, remove dark circles under the eyes and even eliminate scars and stretch marks!

Skin micro-puncture - DermaPEN

DermaPEN is a specialized device in the field of aesthetic medicine that allows you to perform modern rejuvenating treatments on the skin of the face, neck, cleavage, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even on the hands. The treatment can also be successfully applied to the scalp, thus stimulating hair growth. In our Laser Delux salon, we have the latest generation device for micro-puncturing of the skin, i.e. DermaPEN 4.

Needle mesotherapy

Needle mesotherapy is a popular treatment that improves the condition of the skin. Its uniqueness lies in individually selected nutritional cocktails that reach deep into the skin - that is, where no cream can penetrate!

Laser hair removal

11 540 - on average, a person removes unwanted hair throughout their life using various methods. This is often associated with the loss of valuable time, unsightly-looking ingrown hairs and damaged skin. However, you can keep it in perfect condition and save time by using laser hair removal in Laser DeLux.

Laser hair removal on armpits, bikini line and legs is one of the most popular treatments performed in our salons.


Carboxytherapy is a complete breakthrough in the field of aesthetic treatments. It has an extremely wide range of applications and leads to spectacular effects. Thanks to carboxytherapy treatments you can get rid of cellulite, overcome hair loss, remove dark circles under the eyes and even eliminate scars and stretch marks!

Skin micro-puncture - DermaPEN

DermaPEN is a specialized device in the field of aesthetic medicine that allows you to perform modern rejuvenating treatments on the skin of the face, neck, cleavage, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even on the hands. The treatment can also be successfully applied to the scalp, thus stimulating hair growth. In our Laser Delux salon, we have the latest generation device for micro-puncturing of the skin, i.e. DermaPEN 4.

Needle mesotherapy

Needle mesotherapy is a popular treatment that improves the condition of the skin. Its uniqueness lies in individually selected nutritional cocktails that reach deep into the skin - that is, where no cream can penetrate!
see all treatments see more

You are three steps away from reaching your goal!

Consultation We will invite you to our Laser Delux salon for consultation with a cosmetologist to fully understand your needs and adjust appropriate treatments to them. We will make, among others laser test on a small fragment of the skin.
Treatment We will conduct a treatment with you that will help you get rid of complexes and make you feel really beautiful and more self-confident!
Monitoring We will give you all the tips on how to take care of your skin after the treatment and we will monitor the effects that will appear after the treatment
Make an appointment
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