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Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser hair removal for men

Laser hair removal for men

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 20-90 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: 6-7
Cel: trwała redukcja owłosienia

Treatment description

Laser hair removal is the process of heating up the hair follicle by means of a purposely condensed laser-generated beam of light. A beam is selected to destroy the follicle regenerative structure by the application of heat to the follicle, however the beam does not damage the adjacent tissues. After treatment, the follicle itself is impaired and ceases to produce subsequent hair.


Permanent laser-based hair removal cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • sunburn,
  • phototoxic drugs, herbs,
  • waxing, depilation with a tweezers up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment,
  • cancers,
  • cold sore, virus, bacterial transformation in the depilation area,
  • albinism, psoriasis, ichthyosis.


The treatment is carried out using LUMENIS® devices. The target areas, located under the skin, are heated up with the laser through gentle and extensive moves of the head. The entire procedure of permanent hair removal is safe, comfortable and practically painless.

Before the treatment
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After treatment
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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser hair removal for men

Laser hair removal for men

Treatment description

Laser hair removal is the process of heating up the hair follicle by means of a purposely condensed laser-generated beam of light. A beam is selected to destroy the follicle regenerative structure by the application of heat to the follicle, however the beam does not damage the adjacent tissues. After treatment, the follicle itself is impaired and ceases to produce subsequent hair.


Permanent laser-based hair removal cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • sunburn,
  • phototoxic drugs, herbs,
  • waxing, depilation with a tweezers up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment,
  • cancers,
  • cold sore, virus, bacterial transformation in the depilation area,
  • albinism, psoriasis, ichthyosis.


The treatment is carried out using LUMENIS® devices. The target areas, located under the skin, are heated up with the laser through gentle and extensive moves of the head. The entire procedure of permanent hair removal is safe, comfortable and practically painless.

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 20-90 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: 6-7
Cel: trwała redukcja owłosienia

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

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After treatment

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