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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser skin rejuvenation for men

Laser skin rejuvenation for men

Basic informations





3312 zł

1299 zł


1782 zł

699 zł


1272 zł

499 zł


1782 zł

699 zł


1782 zł

699 zł

Face + Neck

4077 zł

1599 zł

Face + Neck + Cleavage

4842 zł

1899 zł



699 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

Have you noticed first fine lines or wrinkles but still you would like to look 10 years younger? Have you got acne scars or chronic discolorations above your lips or on the forehead?

The fractional laser is a perfect solution for you.


The laser skin rejuvenation cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • fresh sunburn,
  • some chronic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases, photodermatoses, psoriasis, diabetes),
  • some allergies,
  • infections, e.g. active cold sore
  • keloid tendencies
  • blood coagulability dysfunctions,
  • anti-coagulant discharge,
  • cancer,
  • isotretinoin therapy (the laser treatment may be performed 6 months following the therapy termination).


Fractional laser skin resurfacing from ALMA® allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for skin resurfacing, using micro-beams that surround damaged tissues with healthy cells. It enables faster healing and reduces side effects of the treatment.

Before the treatment
  • You come for a dermoconsultation with our cosmetologist who performs a laser test for you, excludes contraindications to the procedure and discusses the entire therapy scheme.
  • You must remember to give up any herbs, medications, photosensitizing cosmetics one month before the procedure, consult your doctor if necessary.
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  • The cosmetologist thoroughly cleans the skin of make-up and other impurities.
  • He puts on you and himself safety glasses.
  • Then the cosmetologist performs the application of a series of light shots of various lengths, the first of which removes dilated vessels, the second removes discoloration, and the third stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • During the treatment, the cosmetologist cools the skin to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for you.
  • Finally, she applies a soothing cream that reduces the slight burning sensation of the skin.
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After treatment
  • After the procedure, you can expect a short-term (up to 2 days) slight redness and swelling. Their intensity does not necessitate the limitation of activity.
  • You need to protect your skin from the sun by applying a sunscreen with +50 SPF for 4 weeks after the treatment.
  • Cover the treated parts of your body with clothes or an umbrella.
  • Avoid tanning beds, do not use self-tanners at the treatment site.
  • Do not use the sauna for a few days after the treatment and be careful not to irritate your skin unnecessarily.
  • Use delicate cosmetics in the treated area.
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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser skin rejuvenation for men

Laser skin rejuvenation for men

Treatment description

Have you noticed first fine lines or wrinkles but still you would like to look 10 years younger? Have you got acne scars or chronic discolorations above your lips or on the forehead?

The fractional laser is a perfect solution for you.


The laser skin rejuvenation cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • fresh sunburn,
  • some chronic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases, photodermatoses, psoriasis, diabetes),
  • some allergies,
  • infections, e.g. active cold sore
  • keloid tendencies
  • blood coagulability dysfunctions,
  • anti-coagulant discharge,
  • cancer,
  • isotretinoin therapy (the laser treatment may be performed 6 months following the therapy termination).


Fractional laser skin resurfacing from ALMA® allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for skin resurfacing, using micro-beams that surround damaged tissues with healthy cells. It enables faster healing and reduces side effects of the treatment.

Basic informations





3312 zł

1299 zł


1782 zł

699 zł


1272 zł

499 zł


1782 zł

699 zł


1782 zł

699 zł

Face + Neck

4077 zł

1599 zł

Face + Neck + Cleavage

4842 zł

1899 zł



699 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

  • You come for a dermoconsultation with our cosmetologist who performs a laser test for you, excludes contraindications to the procedure and discusses the entire therapy scheme.
  • You must remember to give up any herbs, medications, photosensitizing cosmetics one month before the procedure, consult your doctor if necessary.
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  • The cosmetologist thoroughly cleans the skin of make-up and other impurities.
  • He puts on you and himself safety glasses.
  • Then the cosmetologist performs the application of a series of light shots of various lengths, the first of which removes dilated vessels, the second removes discoloration, and the third stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • During the treatment, the cosmetologist cools the skin to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for you.
  • Finally, she applies a soothing cream that reduces the slight burning sensation of the skin.
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After treatment

  • After the procedure, you can expect a short-term (up to 2 days) slight redness and swelling. Their intensity does not necessitate the limitation of activity.
  • You need to protect your skin from the sun by applying a sunscreen with +50 SPF for 4 weeks after the treatment.
  • Cover the treated parts of your body with clothes or an umbrella.
  • Avoid tanning beds, do not use self-tanners at the treatment site.
  • Do not use the sauna for a few days after the treatment and be careful not to irritate your skin unnecessarily.
  • Use delicate cosmetics in the treated area.
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