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Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

Basic informations
Time of the procedure: 20-90 min
Recommended number of treatments: 6-7
Objective permanent hair reduction

Treatment description

Laser hair removal is the process of heating up the hair follicle by means of a purposely condensed laser-generated beam of light. A beam is selected to destroy the follicle regenerative structure by the application of heat to the follicle, however the beam does not damage the adjacent tissues. After treatment, the follicle itself is impaired and ceases to produce subsequent hair.

Each treatment performed in our salon is preceded by a consultation with a cosmetologist who specifically tailors the treatment to your needs and excludes contraindications. Our team is constantly training, getting to know new treatments and looking for effective solutions. We offer treatments in the field of trichology, laser cosmetics and aesthetic medicine.


Permanent laser-based hair removal cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • pregnancy, breast feeding,
  • sunburn,
  • phototoxic drugs, herbs,
  • waxing, depilation with a tweezers up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment,
  • cancers,
  • cold sore, virus, bacterial transformation in the depilation area,
  • albinism, psoriasis, ichthyosis.


The treatment is carried out using LUMENIS® devices. The target areas, located under the skin, are heated up with the laser through gentle and extensive moves of the head. The entire procedure of permanent hair removal is safe, comfortable and practically painless.

Before the treatment


  • Immediately before the treatment, shave the hair at the epilation site with a disposable razor. For 4-8 weeks before laser hair removal, dont use epilator, wax and tweezers to pull out the hair root.
  • Before the procedure, drink about 2 liters of mineral water. Take care of proper skin hydration.

  • One week before laser hair removal, do not peel the skin at the treatment site.

  • Give up a tan 4-6 weeks before laser hair removal and follow the contraindications

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  • The cosmetologist shaves hairs that the client did not manage to remove.

  • Thoroughly disinfects the laser head.

  • The cosmetologist and the client wear safety glasses.

  • The cosmetologist maps the part of the body subjected to depilation - with a washable crayon, he draws small squares on the skin to precisely perform the treatment.

  • Prepares ice compresses and greatly cools the skin.

  • The place next to the place shoots with the Light Sheer Duet laser, gently pressing the laser head against the skin.

  • After the treatment, the skin may be irritated, so the cosmetologist applies a special ointment or cream to the depilated area.

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After treatment
  • For min. 4 weeks dont sunbathe the place where laser hair removal was performed. During this period, use creams with anti-UVA and B filters with 50 filter.

  • For the best results, perform the next treatment in min. 6 to 12 weeks.

  • Dont use makeup after hair removal as it may irritate your skin.

  • Put on light, airy clothing immediately after laser hair removal on the legs and bikini area. Give up tight leggings or tight tights.

  • Preparations with an exfoliating effect (peels) perform min. 2 weeks after depilation.

  • A natural symptom after laser hair removal treatment is a temporary swelling or redness of the depilated area.

    In some cases scabs may appear. All these symptoms are natural and should disappear after a maximum of a few days! Treat your skin gently during this time

  • Use soap-free gel, tonic, or alcohol-free lotion. You can rinse the depilated area with clean water.

  • Dont use deodorants and antiperspirants immediately after laser armpit hair removal.

  • You can use powders, creams or ointments from Alantan, Bepanthen or Dermopanten.

  • Gently pat your skin dry, dont rub or otherwise irritate.

  • If symptoms persist, please contact us.

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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

Treatment description

Laser hair removal is the process of heating up the hair follicle by means of a purposely condensed laser-generated beam of light. A beam is selected to destroy the follicle regenerative structure by the application of heat to the follicle, however the beam does not damage the adjacent tissues. After treatment, the follicle itself is impaired and ceases to produce subsequent hair.

Each treatment performed in our salon is preceded by a consultation with a cosmetologist who specifically tailors the treatment to your needs and excludes contraindications. Our team is constantly training, getting to know new treatments and looking for effective solutions. We offer treatments in the field of trichology, laser cosmetics and aesthetic medicine.


Permanent laser-based hair removal cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • pregnancy, breast feeding,
  • sunburn,
  • phototoxic drugs, herbs,
  • waxing, depilation with a tweezers up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment,
  • cancers,
  • cold sore, virus, bacterial transformation in the depilation area,
  • albinism, psoriasis, ichthyosis.


The treatment is carried out using LUMENIS® devices. The target areas, located under the skin, are heated up with the laser through gentle and extensive moves of the head. The entire procedure of permanent hair removal is safe, comfortable and practically painless.

Basic informations
Time of the procedure: 20-90 min
Recommended number of treatments: 6-7
Objective permanent hair reduction

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment


  • Immediately before the treatment, shave the hair at the epilation site with a disposable razor. For 4-8 weeks before laser hair removal, dont use epilator, wax and tweezers to pull out the hair root.
  • Before the procedure, drink about 2 liters of mineral water. Take care of proper skin hydration.

  • One week before laser hair removal, do not peel the skin at the treatment site.

  • Give up a tan 4-6 weeks before laser hair removal and follow the contraindications

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  • The cosmetologist shaves hairs that the client did not manage to remove.

  • Thoroughly disinfects the laser head.

  • The cosmetologist and the client wear safety glasses.

  • The cosmetologist maps the part of the body subjected to depilation - with a washable crayon, he draws small squares on the skin to precisely perform the treatment.

  • Prepares ice compresses and greatly cools the skin.

  • The place next to the place shoots with the Light Sheer Duet laser, gently pressing the laser head against the skin.

  • After the treatment, the skin may be irritated, so the cosmetologist applies a special ointment or cream to the depilated area.

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After treatment

  • For min. 4 weeks dont sunbathe the place where laser hair removal was performed. During this period, use creams with anti-UVA and B filters with 50 filter.

  • For the best results, perform the next treatment in min. 6 to 12 weeks.

  • Dont use makeup after hair removal as it may irritate your skin.

  • Put on light, airy clothing immediately after laser hair removal on the legs and bikini area. Give up tight leggings or tight tights.

  • Preparations with an exfoliating effect (peels) perform min. 2 weeks after depilation.

  • A natural symptom after laser hair removal treatment is a temporary swelling or redness of the depilated area.

    In some cases scabs may appear. All these symptoms are natural and should disappear after a maximum of a few days! Treat your skin gently during this time

  • Use soap-free gel, tonic, or alcohol-free lotion. You can rinse the depilated area with clean water.

  • Dont use deodorants and antiperspirants immediately after laser armpit hair removal.

  • You can use powders, creams or ointments from Alantan, Bepanthen or Dermopanten.

  • Gently pat your skin dry, dont rub or otherwise irritate.

  • If symptoms persist, please contact us.

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