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Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

armpit depilation bikini epilation epilation laser delux male epilation
Basic informations
Time: 20-90 min.
Recommended amount of treatments: 6-7
Purpose: hair removal

Treatment description

Laser hair removal is the process of heating up the hair follicle by means of a purposely condensed laser-generated beam of light. A beam is selected to destroy the follicle regenerative structure by the application of heat to the follicle, however the beam does not damage the adjacent tissues. After treatment, the follicle itself is impaired and ceases to produce subsequent hair.


Efficient laser hair removal greatly depends on the hair growth cycle. The process consists of three different phases: anagene, catagene and telogene. The treatment conducted throughout the anagene phase brings about the long-lasting results. As not all hair growth occurs at the same pace, this treatment has to be repeated several times in order to make sure that all hair growth has been stopped. To learn more about the phases of the hair life-cycle, please click here.

Efficient laser hair removal greatly depends on the hair growth cycle. The process consists of three different phases: anagene, catagene and telogene.

The first phase of hair growth is anagene. When laser hair removal is applied during this phase, we can effectively benefit from it, achieving the expected results. In this phase, the hair reaches its maximum length, whilst the hair bulb remains open; however, in the feeding process, it is the papilla (which is actually linked with the blood system) that is considered important.

Another phase of the hair growth cycle is named catagene. This is the transition phase. In this phase, the hair is released out of the papilla and it soars up towards the skin surface. Then, all the processes related to the hair growth successively come to a halt.

The final phase is telogene. This is the rest phase. Throughout this period, the hair unit is initially fed basing on the hair follicle and then it unfortunately passes away and eventually comes out. It is best if the treatment is not carried out at this phase, as it has little impact.



Our parlour in Gdańsk we opened on 2010. You can find us on Grunwaldzka Avenue 43.

We specialize in permanent and effective laser hair removal. We work on the best and high-tech device - LightSheer Duet laser. It is a gold standard in laser hair removal all over the world.

Lately, we have expanded the rage of our services - you can have in our parlours the aesthetic medicine treatments like injection mesotherapy, cryolipolisys, carboxytherapy or Alma laser treatments which let you get rid of skin imperfections.

We always put on pedestal the quality of our services and our clients’ satisfaction.

You are in safe hands with us! Come and visit!


Permanent laser-based hair removal cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • pregnancy, breast feeding,
  • sunburn,
  • phototoxic drugs, herbs,
  • waxing, depilation with a tweezers up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment,
  • cancers,
  • cold sore, virus, bacterial transformation in the depilation area,
  • albinism, psoriasis, ichthyosis.


The treatment is carried out using LUMENIS® devices. The target areas, located under the skin, are heated up with the laser through gentle and extensive moves of the head. The entire procedure of permanent hair removal is safe, comfortable and practically painless.

Before the treatment

The issue of contraindications to laser hair removal treatment is very important, however it is also essential to follow correct guidelines before, during and after treatments.

These guidelines are to be followed prior to the treatment:

  1. It is necessary to shave the hair in the depilation spot just before the treatment.
  2. The skin should not be dry or irritated. Prior to the treatment, apply the cream and body lotions, and drink 2 liters of mineral water.
  3. Hair must not be pulled out for a period of 4 to 8 weeks before the treatment (tweezers, wax, mechanical hair removers). However, they may be shaved, cut off or removed using the cream.
  4. Creams and ointments cannot be applied in the treatment area for 4 weeks prior to the treatment. These creams and ointments include: vitamin A, retinoids (e.g. Isotrexin, Differin, Zorac and other), vitamin C and fruit acids.
  5. Peeling has to be ceased 1 week before.
  6. The period between an oral therapy with retinoids and the first treatment needs to be at least 6 months.
  7. Phototoxic, photoallergic drugs and herbs (St. John’s-wort, marigold, slim teas, incl. Figura 1,2) need to be discontinued 1 week before the treatment.
  8. Active skin infections in the treatment area (bacterial, virus, fungal) are considered contraindications against the treatment. The procedure may be applied 1 month following the healing of the infection.
  9. Active sunburn and bronzers cannot be used for medical reasons. Sun tanning has to be ceased at least 4-6 weeks before the treatment.
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  1. Kosmetolog dogala włoski, które klientowi nie udało się samemu usunąć.
  2. Dokładnie dezynfekuje głowicę lasera.
  3. Kosmetolog i klient zakładają okulary ochronne.
  4. Kosmetolog mapuje fragment ciała poddawany depilacji - zmywalną kredką rysuje na skórze małe kwadraciki, aby precyzyjnie wykonać zabieg.
  5. Przygotowuje kompresy z lodem i mocno schładza skórę.
  6. Miejsce przy miejscu oddaje strzały laserem Light Sheer Duet, delikatnie dociskając głowicę lasera do skóry.
  7. Po zakończonym zabiegu skóra może być podrażniona, dlatego kosmetolog nakłada na depilowane miejsce specjalną maść lub krem.
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After treatment

A few principles have to be observed after the treatment. These are as follows:

  1. Sunbathing is absolutely forbidden for 2 weeks following the hair removal. Anti-UVA and B SPF 50 creams have to be applied throughout this period.
  2. Subsequent treatments need to be carried out at the intervals of 4 up to 12 weeks.
  3. A natural post-treatment effect is a temporary swelling and/or redness of the treated skin area and/or minor crusts. All symptoms should disappear no later than after a few days. During this period, the skin needs to be treated gently according to the following guidelines:

wash with a soap-free cleanser or tonic or alcohol-free lotion, or pure wate,

do not apply deodorants and anti-perspirants right after the treatment (in the event of underarm hair removal),

apply powders, cream or ointments like Alantan Plus or Bepanthen or Dermopanthen,

gently dry the skin, do not rub it or irritate it in other way,

scrubs can be introduced after 2 weeks following the treatment,

after laser hair removal treatment (only legs and bikini, brasilian areas) do not wear skin-tight clothes.

In the event of any inquiries or doubts related to our guidelines on laser hair removal treatment, please feel free to call us or use the “Prompt Reply” application form. We will be glad to respond to you.

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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

armpit depilation bikini epilation epilation laser delux male epilation

Treatment description

Laser hair removal is the process of heating up the hair follicle by means of a purposely condensed laser-generated beam of light. A beam is selected to destroy the follicle regenerative structure by the application of heat to the follicle, however the beam does not damage the adjacent tissues. After treatment, the follicle itself is impaired and ceases to produce subsequent hair.


Efficient laser hair removal greatly depends on the hair growth cycle. The process consists of three different phases: anagene, catagene and telogene. The treatment conducted throughout the anagene phase brings about the long-lasting results. As not all hair growth occurs at the same pace, this treatment has to be repeated several times in order to make sure that all hair growth has been stopped. To learn more about the phases of the hair life-cycle, please click here.

Efficient laser hair removal greatly depends on the hair growth cycle. The process consists of three different phases: anagene, catagene and telogene.

The first phase of hair growth is anagene. When laser hair removal is applied during this phase, we can effectively benefit from it, achieving the expected results. In this phase, the hair reaches its maximum length, whilst the hair bulb remains open; however, in the feeding process, it is the papilla (which is actually linked with the blood system) that is considered important.

Another phase of the hair growth cycle is named catagene. This is the transition phase. In this phase, the hair is released out of the papilla and it soars up towards the skin surface. Then, all the processes related to the hair growth successively come to a halt.

The final phase is telogene. This is the rest phase. Throughout this period, the hair unit is initially fed basing on the hair follicle and then it unfortunately passes away and eventually comes out. It is best if the treatment is not carried out at this phase, as it has little impact.



Our parlour in Gdańsk we opened on 2010. You can find us on Grunwaldzka Avenue 43.

We specialize in permanent and effective laser hair removal. We work on the best and high-tech device - LightSheer Duet laser. It is a gold standard in laser hair removal all over the world.

Lately, we have expanded the rage of our services - you can have in our parlours the aesthetic medicine treatments like injection mesotherapy, cryolipolisys, carboxytherapy or Alma laser treatments which let you get rid of skin imperfections.

We always put on pedestal the quality of our services and our clients’ satisfaction.

You are in safe hands with us! Come and visit!


Permanent laser-based hair removal cannot be applied in some cases. All of them have been listed below:

  • pregnancy, breast feeding,
  • sunburn,
  • phototoxic drugs, herbs,
  • waxing, depilation with a tweezers up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment,
  • cancers,
  • cold sore, virus, bacterial transformation in the depilation area,
  • albinism, psoriasis, ichthyosis.


The treatment is carried out using LUMENIS® devices. The target areas, located under the skin, are heated up with the laser through gentle and extensive moves of the head. The entire procedure of permanent hair removal is safe, comfortable and practically painless.

Basic informations
Time: 20-90 min.
Recommended amount of treatments: 6-7
Purpose: hair removal

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

The issue of contraindications to laser hair removal treatment is very important, however it is also essential to follow correct guidelines before, during and after treatments.

These guidelines are to be followed prior to the treatment:

  1. It is necessary to shave the hair in the depilation spot just before the treatment.
  2. The skin should not be dry or irritated. Prior to the treatment, apply the cream and body lotions, and drink 2 liters of mineral water.
  3. Hair must not be pulled out for a period of 4 to 8 weeks before the treatment (tweezers, wax, mechanical hair removers). However, they may be shaved, cut off or removed using the cream.
  4. Creams and ointments cannot be applied in the treatment area for 4 weeks prior to the treatment. These creams and ointments include: vitamin A, retinoids (e.g. Isotrexin, Differin, Zorac and other), vitamin C and fruit acids.
  5. Peeling has to be ceased 1 week before.
  6. The period between an oral therapy with retinoids and the first treatment needs to be at least 6 months.
  7. Phototoxic, photoallergic drugs and herbs (St. John’s-wort, marigold, slim teas, incl. Figura 1,2) need to be discontinued 1 week before the treatment.
  8. Active skin infections in the treatment area (bacterial, virus, fungal) are considered contraindications against the treatment. The procedure may be applied 1 month following the healing of the infection.
  9. Active sunburn and bronzers cannot be used for medical reasons. Sun tanning has to be ceased at least 4-6 weeks before the treatment.
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  1. Kosmetolog dogala włoski, które klientowi nie udało się samemu usunąć.
  2. Dokładnie dezynfekuje głowicę lasera.
  3. Kosmetolog i klient zakładają okulary ochronne.
  4. Kosmetolog mapuje fragment ciała poddawany depilacji - zmywalną kredką rysuje na skórze małe kwadraciki, aby precyzyjnie wykonać zabieg.
  5. Przygotowuje kompresy z lodem i mocno schładza skórę.
  6. Miejsce przy miejscu oddaje strzały laserem Light Sheer Duet, delikatnie dociskając głowicę lasera do skóry.
  7. Po zakończonym zabiegu skóra może być podrażniona, dlatego kosmetolog nakłada na depilowane miejsce specjalną maść lub krem.
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After treatment

A few principles have to be observed after the treatment. These are as follows:

  1. Sunbathing is absolutely forbidden for 2 weeks following the hair removal. Anti-UVA and B SPF 50 creams have to be applied throughout this period.
  2. Subsequent treatments need to be carried out at the intervals of 4 up to 12 weeks.
  3. A natural post-treatment effect is a temporary swelling and/or redness of the treated skin area and/or minor crusts. All symptoms should disappear no later than after a few days. During this period, the skin needs to be treated gently according to the following guidelines:

wash with a soap-free cleanser or tonic or alcohol-free lotion, or pure wate,

do not apply deodorants and anti-perspirants right after the treatment (in the event of underarm hair removal),

apply powders, cream or ointments like Alantan Plus or Bepanthen or Dermopanthen,

gently dry the skin, do not rub it or irritate it in other way,

scrubs can be introduced after 2 weeks following the treatment,

after laser hair removal treatment (only legs and bikini, brasilian areas) do not wear skin-tight clothes.

In the event of any inquiries or doubts related to our guidelines on laser hair removal treatment, please feel free to call us or use the “Prompt Reply” application form. We will be glad to respond to you.

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