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Laser DeLux / Treatments / Lipoliza Iniekcyjna dla mężczyzn

Lipoliza Iniekcyjna dla mężczyzn

Basic informations

Ilość preparatu



599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

Lipolysis is a non-invasive method that leads to the elimination of excess fatty tissue in selected parts of the body. Intended inflammation occurs at the site of injection of the substance. Swollen fat cells burst, the released fats enter the blood and are eliminated from the body.

The treatment is intended for people who are slightly overweight who want to get rid of local fat accumulation, e.g. from the chin, abdomen, thighs, arms, knees, buttocks, neck.

After a series of treatments, the circuit is reduced by 4 to 6 cm. Usually we need 3 to 6 treatments at 4-6 week intervals. To enhance the effect, we recommend combining the treatment with carboxytherapy.

What are the indications for lipolysis?

  • double chin
  • too wide thighs,
  • hips,
  • knees
  • bull neck
  • folds of fat on the abdomen,
  • back male gynecomastia
  • body shaping
  • local fatty tissue



  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;

  • kidney and liver diseases;

  • diabetes

  • blood diseases associated with excessive bleeding;

  • taking medications to thin the blood;


Injection lipolysis is a non-invasive contouring of the body by administering a substance, usually a phosphatidylchine solution, with a fine needle that dissolves fat cells. Intended and controlled inflammation occurs at the site of substance injection. Swollen fat cells burst, and the released fats enter the blood and are eliminated from the body through natural physiological processes.

Before the treatment
  • The treatment is completely safe and does not require any special preparation from you, you can perform it at any time.
  • Before the procedure, the cosmetologist will consult you, during which you will agree on the details of the procedure.
  • You shouldn't drink coffee.
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  • The cosmetologist will carefully examine the treated area.
  • Through injection with a thin needle, a substance that dissolves the fat cells is introduced into the fat cells.
  • The substance removes excess body fat by causing the intended inflammation.
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After treatment
  • Slight redness and swelling may appear at the injection site.
  • The treated area may be more sensitive to touch.
  • The itching and tingling sensation may persist within a few after the treatment.
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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Lipoliza Iniekcyjna dla mężczyzn

Lipoliza Iniekcyjna dla mężczyzn

Treatment description

Lipolysis is a non-invasive method that leads to the elimination of excess fatty tissue in selected parts of the body. Intended inflammation occurs at the site of injection of the substance. Swollen fat cells burst, the released fats enter the blood and are eliminated from the body.

The treatment is intended for people who are slightly overweight who want to get rid of local fat accumulation, e.g. from the chin, abdomen, thighs, arms, knees, buttocks, neck.

After a series of treatments, the circuit is reduced by 4 to 6 cm. Usually we need 3 to 6 treatments at 4-6 week intervals. To enhance the effect, we recommend combining the treatment with carboxytherapy.

What are the indications for lipolysis?

  • double chin
  • too wide thighs,
  • hips,
  • knees
  • bull neck
  • folds of fat on the abdomen,
  • back male gynecomastia
  • body shaping
  • local fatty tissue



  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;

  • kidney and liver diseases;

  • diabetes

  • blood diseases associated with excessive bleeding;

  • taking medications to thin the blood;


Injection lipolysis is a non-invasive contouring of the body by administering a substance, usually a phosphatidylchine solution, with a fine needle that dissolves fat cells. Intended and controlled inflammation occurs at the site of substance injection. Swollen fat cells burst, and the released fats enter the blood and are eliminated from the body through natural physiological processes.

Basic informations

Ilość preparatu



599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł


od 599 zł

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

  • The treatment is completely safe and does not require any special preparation from you, you can perform it at any time.
  • Before the procedure, the cosmetologist will consult you, during which you will agree on the details of the procedure.
  • You shouldn't drink coffee.
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  • The cosmetologist will carefully examine the treated area.
  • Through injection with a thin needle, a substance that dissolves the fat cells is introduced into the fat cells.
  • The substance removes excess body fat by causing the intended inflammation.
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After treatment

  • Slight redness and swelling may appear at the injection site.
  • The treated area may be more sensitive to touch.
  • The itching and tingling sensation may persist within a few after the treatment.
Read more
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